ayurvedic weight loss treatment

Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment

Obesity is the medical disorder in which the excessive amount of fats in the body leads to numerous health issues. Slight overweight may not cause any health problem t but having excess weight may cause various diseases such as heart problems, type 2diabetes, osteoarthritis, and depression. It leads to preventable causes of death.


Obesity can cause due to the genetics, hormonal imbalances and behavioral factor of a person. It basically occurs when you take more calories than burning. This leads to excessive weight gain. Unhealthy foods and inactive life is also a reason for Obesity. There are also some other factors such as medical conditions like crushing syndrome and other disorder cause obesity. Pregnancy, tumors, and drug abuse are the reasons for obesity.


  • Increased body fat or weight
  • Breathlessness on exertion
  • Drowsiness
  • Exhaust
  • Excessive sweating with bad odor


Eat green vegetables like bitter gourd and drumsticks for controlling diabetes. You can also take a tablespoon of honey with lukewarm water to lose weight. You can take some lemon too in the honey and warm water for the better result.


  • Exercise daily.
  • Follow a healthy diet plan.
  • Avoid junk foods. Stick with the diet plan.
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