Weight Loss

  • Reshape Oil

    • This Oil is the blend of Kshar Oil, BrihatSaindhav Tailam, Rice bran oil etc.
  • Obenorma Churna

    • The main ingredients are Zingiber officinalis, Plumbago Zylanica, Moringa oleifera etc.
  • OBENORMA Tablet

    • The main ingredients are Achyranthes aspera, Guggula, Turmeric etc.
  • Overview
    • Triphala Rasayana cleanse the micro and macro channels in the body, reduces colon load and tones the alimentary canal especially intestines, it flushes out toxins (AMA), and enhances the functions of several organs in the body.
  • Overview
    • This tea contains Jasvand, Jatiphal, Rock salt etc.
    • Reshape Phant tea is a beverage that is used to control obesity. This tea is enriched with the healing properties of high-quality Ayurveda herbs that are tested at Kalp Ayurved. Classic ingredients like Cumin, turmeric, peppermint make this tea special.